Summ( )n


Summ( )n – Slava Kozlov and Katerina Khomenchuk (principals)

Summ(  )n is a research consultancy that helps clients to innovate, develop new products and services, and new organizational skills and practices. We conduct in-depth, collaborative studies of people’s behaviour and activities, of their use (and abuse) of products, of their motivations and dreams (but also concerns and fears). We use a wide range of qualitative research tools, both online and offline, with the aim to involve people as partners in our studies (co-research).  We also help our clients to imagine and explore possible futures, by experiencing and ‘playing’ with these futures, by probing them in realistic yet risk-free environments. We employ ‘serious games’ and methods of gamification to better prepare our clients and partners for the new emerging realities and ultimately facilitate their transformation towards turbulent tomorrows.

Among our clients are both large international corporations (Nokia and Philips) as well as SMEs like Itella or InterDirect, as well as educational institutions and cultural organizations; a significant part of our projects are conducted in Russia. Summ()n is a people research partner of the European Council of the Internet of Things, a renowned think-tank that paves the way of this emerging socio-technological phenomena.

Prior to establishing Summ()n, Slava Kozlov spent ten years with Philips Design in Eindhoven, with its Department of Strategic Innovation, and was involved in numerous research and design projects for various Philips divisions as well as external companies and organizations.  He has two degrees, in Clinical Psychology and Sociology (specialization Social Studies of Societies in Transition). He was an intern of the Open Media Research Institution in Prague and has a life-long interest in abstract photography.

Katerina Khomenchuk is a Social Psychologist by training (degree from the Moscow State University), and lately studied Human-Computer Interaction in Tilburg University. She was a research coordinator for multiple social studies conducted in Russia and Central Asia, including by Burson-Marsteller, US AID and UNDP, and numerous international corporations and organizations. Her personal research interests related to cross-cultural and gender differences in the use of technologies and mediated communication.

Between them, Katerina and Slava have 27 years of hands-up research experience, of them a third in Russia and Kazakhstan, the country of origin of the Summ()n’s principals.

Contact Slava Kozlov
+31 06 4823 0589
Skype: centralasian

One Trackback

  1. By klasemen liga indonesia on June 20, 2016 at 13:38

    klasemen liga indonesia

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